Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Golfing with Mom

Paul and his brothers would be so embarrassed if they only saw my mom and I on the golf course. Because I had two free coupons, and it is the beginning of the season, I took my mom to Cedar Hills golf course. The course was quite rough inside the course little alone outside the course. We lost our first two balls on the first hole t-box, lost the 5th hole all together, couldn't find the key to the restroom on the 5th hole, lost the green on the 6th hole, lost myself in a hysterical joke of poking out my mom's eye on the 9th hole, gained two free coupons for 18 holes in the future on the 10th hole, almost lost my mom on the cart path going to the 11th hole, lost my way to the t-box on the 15th hole, and almost killed a squirrel on the 18th hole. I think it was a successful first day out for the season, don't you? Mom did decide when she found a lost ball on the 1st hole that was marked with a marker of "CK", that if she used her good balls she would lose those, but if she or I played with CK it would always be a good shot or at least a shot where we wouldn't lose the CK ball. Amazingly enough 6 good balls lost later, we still had that CK ball with us at the end of the game. Let's do it again, maybe we should take Paul with us next.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

You have no idea how hard I laughed over this story. Now that I plan on being a lawyer I should probably take up golfing, but I don't think I could figure it out. Maybe I'll just stick to minature golf.