Sunday, November 22, 2009

My name

A funny little story. All the babies in the NICU have their names on the front of their beds. I don't know why Gracie got skipped. It was on day five I told Paul to make a sign for her so he pulled out his favorite sharpie and made this one on a dry wipe. The next day I came to feed her there was a new fancy sign on top. All morning I couldn't stop giggle.

1 comment:

Carrie Anne said...

that is so cute! i'm so sorry you have to be in the's so hard!!! i hope things work out very soon. i remember those days waiting/hoping it'd be the day to go home. cry when you need these moments with will cherish these sacred times when you realize over & over what a miracle she is. i still get teary eyed when i think of the time with baby david in the NICU. it was so hard b/c i just wanted to be home & be all together as a family. that day will come...i promise! it makes you appreciate what so many people have gone through for their babies. she is darling & looks just like the boys. we'll keep you in our prayers.:)