This is a perfect way for me to remember all the funny things my kids do. Wyatt says the funniest things these days. Dean is just a curious boy, he has gotten himself into some funny places. So I am going to just list them as they have happen over the last week.
*We were playing the new Candyland board game. The little people are different color kids. Wyatt said "I wanted to be the
chocolate boy."
*We were driving in grandpa's car. Wyatt said "I have something in my shoe, Mom I have a
foreigner in my shoe."
*For a few days Wyatt had some smelly gas. His Dad would say your burning my nostrils. Wyatt thought that was so funny. So he would gas and wait for his dad to say "your burning my nostrils" Wyatt then would say "
that's the spirit"*Dean was on my bed playing, and he tried to scoot down off the bed. Dean got
stuck between the bed and the foot board. As you can see Wyatt took this opportunity to mess with him.